Gretta Vosper is a minister and atheist. She is a Best-Selling author of two books and founder of the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity.
My video clips
There are many, many videos of me on the net that capture me speaking in a variety of settings. Many of them are within the context of a Sunday morning service at West Hill. You can view these “Perspective(s)” on West Hill’s Youtube Channel. Some are of my speaking engagements and a few are videos I’ve made myself to share my thoughts or answer questions I’ve been asked. Here are a few of those clips.
First of all, my presentation at ideacity, 2012 shortly after my ovarian cancer diagnosis. I was the guest of Moses Znaimer and thoroughly enjoyed sharing my journey and my understanding of what Faith without God was all about. You can watch the video online at Faith without God. Moses in an amazing host!
And now some clips from my speaking engagements...