I have been privileged to speak across Canada, in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. More recently, I’ve been sharing my work with congregations in the United States in Washington, North Carolina, and Florida. Here are some clips from my most recent engagement in Coral Gables, Florida.

Empact – the work of impacting the future with empathy.

A look at how West Hill got started on this work – with a presbytery tour and an attempt at writing a statement of faith.

13 Responses

  1. Amani jean
    Phone(mobile numbers): +256781768368
    Email: jean.amani41@yahoo.fr
    nakivale refugee settlement
    Uganda – East Africa.

    Subject: application for refugee assistance

    I just humbly with your good religious organization send you this letter which aims mentioned above. I am refugee from democratic republic of Congo in UGANDA. I fled my country after the atrocities and tribalism committed by foreign armed groups of hutu rebels of democratic forces for the liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) following the M23 (M23 movement), and because of insecurity and massacre persists, both civilian and without protection, a victim of time smearing the other, feeling insecure, we are decided to flee and leave the country to seek refugee in Uganda.

    I will never forget on 24th February 2012, that day, the Rwandan Hutu FDLR rebels have raided my village and killed people and burn houses, including both my parents and my old brother were stabbed and murdered. The rebels forced the door of our house open at midnight. When I heard the coming I was fortunate to escape with my brother FISTON LUITILA though the back door of our house.

    I was a victim of tribalism in our country where there is no respect of the human life, freedom, social justice and democracy up to now. Fatherless and motherless, I still suffer psychologically from trauma and josses of both parents and members of my family and other innocents peoples killed.

    I can never return home because I could be as persecuted, tortured or surefire other serious humans rights violations. We are insecure of flowing safely in the country where we live now, because the peoples we fled have their members who are also distinguished as refugees here where we live and always puts us in a state of insecurity.

    I have obtained UNHCR documents and asylum seeker from the government of Uganda, the country of refugee. I attached my family members included in this application:

    1. Joachim BIREMBO
    2. Jean AMANI
    3. Fiston LUITILA
    4. Clementine SSANGO
    5. Elvis MUNYANEZA

    We will go back ever in the DR.Congo, even if peace returns to We can never forget all the pain we have suffered. knowing that your organization provides protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence, providing humanitarian assistance in emergency situations. We need your humanitarian and advocacy support urgently. So we thought to write to you on behalf of your humanitarian organization in order to support us and give us assistance for humanitarian resettlement, find a sustainable solution a place where we can live in peace and have a future.

    With the hope of obtaining a favorable response to my request, with the hope of getting itself to your religious organization favorably, which is your generous act, I can not thank you enough, nevertheless Eternal God of mercy will pay you at the end temp for your generosity gesture please accept request our sympathetic, objectivity and humanity.

    Thanks yours sincerely
    Amani jean,
    Applicant for assistance

    C.P: I attach my documents

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