prostitution – yes? no?

The Culture Clash this week brought Charles and I together on a topic that is likely as divisive today as it has been for a thousands of years. Oh, except whenever religion used it as part of their ritual – prostitution. Charles’ position is a widely lauded one: prostitution is exclusively about forcing unwilling women […]

the grammys and all that

Faith Goldy and I seared the line between us on today’s Culture Clash as we looked at the weddings performed by Queen Latifa at the Grammy’s earlier this week. Tell me, do you think Satan was conjured by Katy Perry’s antics? Or do you think Satan is a figment of an overly dramatic imagination? Or […]

mandela and the obama/castro handshake

It was a feisty morning again on the John Oakley show with Charles McVety and I sparring over the legacy of Nelson Mandela just as his memorial service was coming to an end in South Africa. And, as you have no doubt heard, there was that handshake. Barack Obama and Raul Castro actually connected, flesh […]

the culture war with john oakley

The date: November 12, 2013. The issues were legion: * Because women can opt out of accidental pregnancy through abortion, should men be able to opt out, too, by not paying support? * Would you leave your kids at a daycare run by a man? * The HPV vaccine is now being made available in […]